Bioinspiration Course

Winter 2024: ROB 560 / ME 599-020

Lecture, Discussion, and Lab course (4 credits)

No prerequisites, open to grad students and advanced undergrad students in any program/department

Fulfills Acting requirement for Robotics major and grad programs

Fulfills cognate requirement for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology major and grad programs

Lecture: TuTh 12:30PM - 1:30pm

Discussion: Tu 1:30-2:30pm

Lab: Tu 2:30-4:30pm

W2020 Syllabus

W2021 Syllabus

W2022 Syllabus

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Learning from Nature to Design for the Future!

Bioinspired design views the process of how we learn from Nature as an innovation strategy translating principles of function, performance and aesthetics from biology to human technology. The creative design process is driven by interdisciplinary exchange among engineering, biology, medicine, art, architecture and business. Diverse teams of students will collaborate on, create, and present original bioinspired design projects. Lectures will address the biomimicry design process from original scientific breakthroughs to functional prototypes using cases studies that include gecko-inspired adhesives, robots that run, artificial muscles, computer animation, and prosthetics while highlighting health, the environment, and safety.

Plug In to the BioInspiration Community

We post and discuss recent advances in the global BioInspiration community in our subreddit

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COVID-19 Accommodations W22

  • In-person lectures will be recorded and posted on Canvas

  • Office hours will be on

  • Masks required to attend in person

  • No eating/drinking in class

  • Do not come to class if you feel sick or if you have been traveling

If the county or the university initiates a stay-at-home order, we are prepared to switch to an online-only format.